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Colonic Irrigation Treatments 79.00

What is Colonic Irrigation? 


Colonic irrigation consists of slowly introducing warm purified water into the colon via a small tube. When the colon is filled, the water is allowed to flow out, bringing with it any loose waste. This process is carried out a number of times during the treatment, which lasts for 30-45 minutes. This is coupled with special abdominal massage techniques and the result is a gentle flushing of the colon, and loosening of old waste matter. This allows the colon to hydrate, cleanse, detoxify and tone internally. The treatment is gentle, safe hygienic and very effective.

Before your treatment commences you will be asked to complete a consultation form this allows the Nurse to asses what you are looking to achieve from the treatment and also to make her aware of any medical problems you may have. 

Most individuals are able to have colonic irrigation but there are some medical conditions which prevent us from carrying out the treatment this is listed on the form and also here on the website so if you are under a Doctors care for any medical condition please check our contraindications to treatment page. If you are concerned about any of these or have any other medical condition you think we should be aware about please call the centre and one of the Nurses will advise you if we can carry out the treatment.


All treatments are carried out in a private specifically designed treatment room and the client is covered at all times, comfort and privacy is of utmost importance and always respected. The highest levels of professionalism and hygiene are observed at all times with single use disposable supplies for all procedures. 

Surfaces are all cleaned with antibacterial spray between clients the whole procedure is both clean and odourless. 

Colonic irrigation is non habit forming helping to improve the tone and function of the colon enhancing good health. The Nurse will advise you on how many treatments are required depending on your case history given at the first consultation and what you wish to achieve from the treatment. During a consultation your medical history, diet and all related matters of health are discussed and a plan of your treatment and goals agreed which is designed to give you a healthier lifestyle. The treatment regime is discussed after first session this may vary from a one off treatment to a series of treatments over a period of weeks or months. Each client is assessed individually and at each subsequent treatment by the nurse who will discuss any diet and lifestyle changes as well as suggesting any nutritional supplements which will be of benefit. 

We offer all our clients a complimentary probiotic supplement with a glass of water post the colonic. 

You are able to leave the centre straight after your treatment but are very welcome to sit and relax in our comfortable waiting area with a magazine and a cup of herbal tea for as long as you wish. 

Paramount Healthcare use a gravity fed system for colonic irrigation. This is our preferred method as the filtered water is naturally gravity fed into the colon. It provides greater control of the treatment. We do not use electronic pumped systems so you receive a controlled gentle comfortable treatment from the nurse not a machine. Most clients also receive colon massage throughout the treatment. This allows the nurse to feel for any particular areas of tension, bloating or impaction and helps the colon to release waste and relax the client.

Why Choose Colonic Irrigation? 


A toxic colon may be the source of many health problems.

Do you experience any of these health problems? 

Constipation, diarrhoea, IBS, colitis, diverticulitis, bloated stomach, overweight, food cravings, anxiety, depression, insomnia, PMT frequent headaches, indigestion, irritability, nausea, backaches, fatigue, bad breath, body odour, irritability, confusion, skin problems, abdominal gas, lower back pain, poor appetite, low resistance to colds and infections, low energy and vitality... 

These are all indicators, that you may need to cleanse your body's elimination system. Colonic irrigation is an excellent way to accomplish this objective. A healthy colon is the key to living a healthy life. The colon (large intestine) is the end portion of the human digestive tract .Its main functions are to conserve water "in" the body . . . and to eliminate waste "from" the body. There are"friendly" bacteria living in the healthy colon, which synthesize vitamins, detoxify waste and help prevent infection. 

Unfortunately . . . the average person does not have a healthy colon!

The typical British diet, consisting of high-fat, low-fibre, refined foods including flour, meat, fat, sugar, alcoholand preservatives, is the primary reason the colon can become unhealthy. You may not suffer from constipation or any bowel problem but did you realise that most colons will hold onto some waste material of which you may be unaware. 


The toxins generated from accumulated waste matter in the colon are responsible for many body imbalances' which can lead to very serious weight and health problems. 

Furthermore, the average British diet includes less than a fraction of the fibre foods necessary to promote elimination of toxins from the body. Poor diet, improper food combining and lack of dietary fibre make maintenance of a healthy colon virtually impossible. This is why most people can benefit from colonic irrigation even if they have no apparent bowel or health problems. 

The toxins present in the unhealthy colon can be transported into the circulatory system . . . Soon the body becomes unable to properly metabolize food and fat, or to provide vital energy for living. 

Are you struggling to lose weight?

Whether you are wanting to kick start your healthy regime or have been dieting and have come to a standstill with your weight loss, colonic irrigation may be of benefit to you. The thyroid gland controls metabolism and metabolism affects how our bowels are functioning. A cleaner colon and regular bowel movements can help speed up metabolism and along with healthy eating and exercise can help you to lose excess weight. We have helped many clients over the years to adopt a healthier regime with dietary advice supplements and a course of colonic treatments. 

For many people, the signs of a colon dysfunction are so much a part of their everyday living experience, that they don't even suspect their health may be compromised. 

Benefits Of Colonic Irrigation 


Benefits accomplished by Colon Hydrotherapy 

1. Cleansing - Toxic material is broken down so it can no longer harm your body or inhibit assimilation and elimination. Waste debris built up over a long period is gently removed over a series of irrigations. Once this impacted material is removed, your colon can again begin its normal elimination function. A colon hydrotherapy session may be considered a rejuvenation treatment for your body. 

2. Exercises - The build up of toxic debris weakens the colon and impairs its functions. Gentle filling and emptying of the colon can improve peristaltic (natural muscular contraction) activity, which aids efficient removal of waste material. 

3. Reshapes - Over time, the natural shape of a problematic colon will become distorted causing even more problems. The gentle water action and massage techniques of the therapist will help eliminate protruding pockets of waste and narrow, spastic constrictions. After a series of colon hydrotherapies, the colon gradually begins to resume its natural shape.. 

A build-up of old, putrefied waste can block proper digestion, nutrient absorption, waste elimination and provides an excellent breeding ground for germs and parasites?

The best way to maintain a healthy colon and good digestion is to eat a natural wholesome, high-fibre, low-fat diet, drink plenty of pure water daily, exercise and avoid stress. But sometimes, even this, may not be enough . . . 

Colon hydrotherapy has helped many people to overcome difficult health problems and is helping many more to maintain good health into the future. For these people, Colon Hydrotherapy has proven to be the key to living a healthier, more vibrant life!

Why is Colonic Irrigation Therapy important for good health? 

1. Waste material, which has remained in the colon for some time, can become quite toxic (poisonous). These poisons can re-enter and circulate in the blood stream making us feel ill, tired or weak.

2. Impacted materials impair the colon's ability to assimilate minerals and bacteria produced vitamins.

3. A build-up of material on the colon wall can inhibit muscular action causing sluggish bowel movements, constipation and may result in further health problems.

4. Colonics clean the colon of bad bacteria and allow the good bacteria to grow again essential for our immune systems.

5. A clean colon helps keep us healthy and feel fantastic. 

Functions of the Colon and Probiotics

Your colon, or large intestine, is a hollow, tube-like organ made up of muscle tissue that moves toxic materials along by wave-like motions known as peristaltic action, from the caecum, the beginning of the large bowel, to the rectum. It is approximately 5 feet long. Some people are constipated but many more do not realise that each day they are not passing all their waste material. Most colons hold onto some waste and a lot gets stuck on the colon walls when it is passing through. The walls of the colon can become packed or lined with accumulated wastes from extended periods of intestinal overloading due to avoidance of responding to the "call of nature" immediately. The colon can neither absorb nor eliminate properly in this condition. When wastes from the blood arrive at the inner wall of the colon, the old hardened waste prevents their passage through its wall. To ensure proper cleansing of body tissue, we must begin with a thorough cleansing of the bowel. It took time to pollute our bodies; therefore it will take time to reverse this process through a series of body cleansings. 

The natural immune system can only be built up in a clean body, a body with minimal amount of accumulated toxic material. The degree to which the colon is inhabited by harmful bacteria, parasites and other dangerous organisms varies greatly among individuals. Remember! Cancer of the colon ranks next to heart disease as the most frequent cause of death in western society today. 

Bowel Cleansing

Keeping the bowels clean and moving is a major step in regaining our health since the bowels are crucial in the elimination of toxins, especially those processed by the liver. [The liver dumps in to the bowel via the gall bladder.] 

Constipation is a national pastime and slow bowels are more common today than years previous. For one thing, people not only ate better 100 years ago, they were more active and got out doors more. When the bowels slow down, toxins are not eliminated and are reabsorbed and carried back to the liver for recycling and elimination. Reabsorbed bile salts have been linked to increased cholesterol levels; therefore, cholesterol is a major indicator of constipation. Also, when the bowels get slow and toxin levels increase, the pathogenic microorganisms grow to out-number the normal flora causing dysbiosis. Although flora is needed to correct this, it is the clogged bowels that are the major problem. When the bowels move again, everything else will fall into order. 

Our endocrine glands that control metabolism are also involved; since it is our thyroid that controls metabolism and metabolism affects how our bowels are functioning. 

Frequent bowel movements means better toxin elimination and better health. It makes sense that if one can eliminate toxins their health will improve. 

Colon Dysfunction 

Colon problems are usually first recognized by an individual in the form of constipation or diarrhoea. The normal colour of your stool is honey golden brown and has no offensive odour. With constipation however, you may observe a darkening of the stool, due to the longer transition time in your system. The colon will distribute the poisons of decay, fermentation and purification into the blood. 

The symptoms of colon dysfunction can include: 

• Constipation 

• Diarrhoea 

• Bloated stomach 

• Indigestion 

• Headaches 

• Irritability 

• Fatigue 

• Nausea 

• Overweight 

• Craving for food 

• Anxiety and depression 

• Insomnia 

• Bad breath 

• Menstrual problems 

• Swelling of the legs 

• Asthma 

• Backache 

• Poor appetite 

• Acne & Skin problems 

• Abdominal discomfort 

A toxic bowel is the source of many health problems. By stripping down the old, toxic mucus lining of the bowel, we remove the number one source of disease in the body. In addition, we open up the bowel to a more efficient means of waste elimination and nutrient absorption, both of which are essential to any lasting healing process. It is significant to understand the importance of bowel care in the prevention of disease.

What do probiotics do? 

A probiotic is an organism which contributes to the health and balance of the intestinal tract. A probiotic is also referred to as the "friendly", "beneficial", or "good" bacteria which when ingested acts to maintain a healthy intestinal tract and help fight illness and disease. 

A healthy lower intestine should contain at least 85% friendly bacteria to prevent the over colonization of disease causing micro-organisms like E. coli and salmonella. Our colon can maintain its health with 15% unfriendly bacteria, if the body contains at least 85% probiotic friendly bacteria. Most people have this percentage reversed. 

The word "Probiotic" simply means 'for life' which explains why these nutrients are so important. But if you want the proper scientific definition of a Probiotic here it is: "A live microbial feed supplement, which beneficially affects the host by improving its intestinal microbial balance" 

New research is establishing how important the supplementation of probiotics can be for a variety of conditions. Probiotics enhance the immune system altering the gut micro-ecology and preventing unfriendly organisms from gaining a foothold in the body. They prevent the overgrowth of yeast and fungus and produce substances that can lower cholesterol. 

Probiotics are widely recommended for the treatment of Candida - a fungal infection - because they establish large, healthy populations of friendly bacteria that compete with the Candida that is trying to take up residence in the intestine. Probiotics are also essential in the treatment and prevention of thrush, vaginal yeast infections, and athlete's foot. Good health depends fundamentally upon the more than 400 types of friendly, symbiotic bacteria that inhabit the digestive tract. 

Why Do We Need Probiotics? 

The western diet low in fibre and high in processed and refined foods, chlorinated drinking water, alcohol, stress, disease and the use of antibiotics in food production as well as in medical treatments and many other allopathic drugs can wreak havoc in the gastrointestinal tract by destroying good bacteria and allowing undesirable bacteria to multiply. When the ratio of good bacteria to bad is lowered, problems begin to arise such as excessive gas, bloating, constipation, intestinal toxicity and poor absorption of nutrients. 

While it's true that non-beneficial bacteria are naturally occurring in the intestinal tract, problems begin when their growth goes unchecked and probiotics play an especially important role in keeping in check the pathogenic bacteria that cause disease. 

A good probiotic supplement will contain millions and millions of live bacteria to bolster and replenish levels of the health promoting good bugs in your digestive tract. Once there, these probiotic reinforcements join forces with the existing friendly bacteria to help inhibit the growth of more harmful microbes. 

This, in turn, will help improve digestion and absorption of your food and stimulate and support the immune system. 

Here's a summary of what probiotics can do: 

• Inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria that cause digestive stress 

• Improve digestion of food and absorption of vitamins 

• Stimulate the body's natural defence mechanism - the immune system 

• Help make vitamins needed by the body 

• Help the colon to push and contract evacuating the bowel 

Why are probiotic supplements necessary? 

The answer is that while it is true that certain foods - especially live yogurt, Japanese Miso, Tempeh and some cheeses have a probiotic action in the gut, you can never be sure what strain of bacteria you are eating or exactly how much is contained in these foods. And there is no way of knowing just how many of those replacement bacteria are going to survive and make it all the way through the acidic and bug-killing environment of the stomach to the colon. 

There are other foods, such as bananas, garlic and onions, which can also help repopulate levels of the good bacteria in the intestine. But we do not yet know how many you need to eat for the best results and, you can only eat so much garlic in a day! The best way of increasing the good bacteria in your digestive system is to take a probiotic supplement. A good probiotic supplement contains millions of live bacteria we sell one here at Paramount Healthcare with the recommended amount of good bacteria. Some supplements have fewer live bacteria and are not as effective as others. 

It is not necessary to have a course of probiotics just because you have had a colonic but may be wise if you want to help attain good health. For those who are constipated or suffer from Irritable Bowel syndrome the nurse will recommend a course of probiotic bacteria as they have been shown to help both conditions. Your colonic treatment washes out some good bacteria but this is not a problem as they start to multiply again in their natural environment. The colonic is effective at washing out harmful bacteria which in most people are dominant so there is no need to be concerned about a colonic removing your good bacteria. 

Colonic Implants & Colonic Enemas 

The lower bowel is an extremely vascular area and the enemas or implants are absorbed from the fluid within minutes through the haemorrhoidal veins. This allows the properties of the herbs to be transported across the colon wall into the blood stream quickly to have their desired effect within the body. The difference enemas we offer aid various conditions which help you feel noticeably healthier. 

 Colonic Implants 

Colonic Implants are concentrated herbal solutions administered during the colonic irrigation treatment to aid natural healing. 


The herbal alternative to coffee, a stimulating herbal mix to aid detoxification containing burdock, yellow dock, clover blossoms, wild yam and raspberry leaf. Add £20 to the price of a colonic. 


A soothing and relaxing infusion to help maintain natural relaxation of the colon for those suffering with irritable bowel syndrome and menstrual cramps. Contains cramp Bark, Wild Yam, Chamomile, Cayenne tincture and Ginger tincture. Add £20 to the price of a colonic. 


A combination of Cascara and Cramp Bark to support peristalsis of the colon and aid cleansing for those who are constipated or not releasing. Add £20 to the price of a colonic. 


A combination of Black Walnut, Wormwood, Wild Yam and Cramp Bark to cleanse the colon of parasites. Add £20 to the price of a colonic. 


An introduction of live probiotic bacteria into the colon for gas, yeast overgrowth and candidiasis. Add £20 to the price of a colonic. 

Colonic Enemas

Our colonic enemas are performed at the start of the colonic irrigation treatment and chosen accordingly, depending upon which results you wish to achieve, to give optimum results to your cleanse. All our enema herbs and coffee are organic to avoid any toxins from pesticides and chemicals being introduced into the body.

For Detoxification 

Organic Coffee 

SA Wilson's therapy blend coffee was the first coffee to be specifically selected, blended and roasted for therapeutic use. 100% organically produced and processed it is the only coffee many practitioners recommend. To detoxify the liver and stimulate the gall bladder and liver to remove toxins. Add £20 to the price of a colonic. 

Mixed Enema Herbs 

A mixture of Burdock, Yellow Dock, Clover Blossoms, Chamomile and Raspberry Leaf providing the herbal equivalent to the coffee enema. To detoxify the liver and stimulate the gall bladder and liver to remove toxins. Add £20 to the price of a colonic. 


One of a family of blue green algae which is particularly high in whole protein (all nine of the essential amino acids).

Detoxifies the body and purifies the blood: A natural multi mineral vitamin easily absorbed because it lacks a hard cell wall as well as cleansing at the same time and stimulating peristalsis. Add £20 to the price of a colonic. 

Green Tea 

Chosen for its antioxidant properties and to help replenish the good bacteria in your colon.

Green tea is a type of tea made solely with the leaves of Camellia sinensis, that has undergone minimal oxidation during processing. Green tea originates from China and has become associated with many cultures in Asia from Japan to the Middle East. Add £20 to the price of a colonic


Relieves gas, stimulates digestion calms the nervous system and detoxifies the body. Add £20 to the price of a colonic. 


Enhances the performance of the organs which purify the blood and eliminate waste or toxins from the liver the kidneys and the colon. Good for the skin, blood and hair. Add £20 to the price of a colonic. 


Detoxifies and is good for combating unfriendly intestinal bacteria. Soothes and relaxes the intestines good for the stomach and digestive disorders. Relieves gas and can help with diarrhoea and constipation. Add £20 to the price of a colonic. 

For Constipation

Epsom Salt 

Pure magnesium sulphate soothes and calms the colon used for constipation.

Oral magnesium sulfate, or magnesium hydroxide, is commonly used as a saline laxative. Epsom salt is also available in a gel form for topical application in treating aches and pains. Add £20 to the price of a colonic. 

Olive Oil 

Helps to re-educate the colon as it is heavier than water introducing olive oil will result in a therapeutic distension of the colon. This process repeated realigns and reshapes the colon correcting old kinks, loops or twists. The oil lubricates the mucosa lining in the colon recommended for those with constipation and very dry stools. Olive oil also works to help heal an inflamed colon when one has irritable bowel syndrome or other related bowel disease. Add £20 to the price of a colonic.

For Irritable Bowel

Aloe Vera 

Aloe Vera has natural healing and detoxifying powers analysis shows it is made up from a large variety of amino acids, enzymes, vitamins and minerals and it comes closer than any other known plant to the duplication of life?s essential substances in the biochemistry of the human body. The Anti-inflammatory properties cleanses the colon and promotes the production of friendly bacteria and corrects the PH balance of the bowel. For healing IBS, Constipation, diarrhoea, diverticulitis and haemorrhoids helping to regulate the bowel. Add £20 to the price of a colonic.


A relaxation herb used to cleanse the colon and the liver it also helps to calm the digestive tract and ease the spasms of irritable bowel syndrome, nocturnal cramps, period pains and migraines. Chamomile also helps to relieve nausea and has anti inflammatory properties to help those with haemorrhoids (plies).Add £20 to the price of a colonic.


The muscle relaxing anti spasmodic properties of peppermint oil has been found to ease irritable bowel syndrome helping bloating, gas inflammation and excessive heat in the body. Add £20 to the price of a colonic. 

Which Hazel 

Recommended for those who have diarrhoea or mucus in the stools. Which Hazel helps to reduce intestinal secretions associated with these conditions and also helps to soothe and calm haemorrhoids. Add £20 to the price of a colonic.






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